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The New MBA

The graduate with a Science degree asks, “Why does it work?” The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, “How does it work?” The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, “How much will it cost?” The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, “Do you want fries with that?” – Unknown

In the book “Buzan’s Book of Genius and How to Unleash Your Own”, Tony Buzan and Raymond Keene document 100 people who they rate as a genius with clear and extensive explanations. Of these, it is no coincidence that ten are artists and ranked as follows:

1st Leonardo da Vinci,

5th Micheangelo,

24th Pablo Picasso,

36th Savador Dali,

42nd Walt Disney,

48th Paul Cezanne,

71st Marcel Duchamp,

84th Raphael,

91st Titian,

95th Rembrandt van Rijn.

Each artist broke ground in the way that they used materials and rendered images. Also on the list of genii, are writers, poets and musicians.

NEW ACCOUNTANT MANAGEMENT SKILLS: a Masters in Fine Arts While the MBA took the world by storm and was trending as a ‘had-to-have’ for high flyers wanting career success, many newly qualified individuals were left disappointed in recent times, not being able to fill the gap between theoretical knowledge and much needed management experience. A more recent global requirement is that organisations are searching for candidates who are creative thinkers. Adaptable, resourceful and a quick-off-the-mark approach to problem solving gets the attention of recruiters. Higher education in a Masters of Fine Arts degree compliments these soft skills perfectly. - Jacky Cory Recruitment (Pty) Ltd.

U.S. author, Daniel Pink suggests that ‘the MFA is the new MBA.’

Canadian author, Jim Carroll proposes a new Masters of Business Imagination program that will equip leaders with new capabilities and new ways of thinking, to prepare them for a future of leadership, inspiration and innovation.

Management guru, Tom Peters expands on this thinking with his list of ‘New Economy Biz Degree programs’ including: MFA (Master of Fine Arts), MM (Master of Madness), MnML/WR (Master of non-Male Leadership/Women Rule!), MGLF (Master of Great Leaps Forward), MTD (Master of Talent Development), G/GWGTDw/oC (Guy/Gal Who Gets Things Done without Certificate), DE (Doctor of Enthusiasm).

The mind of the artist, when applied to business, can do phenomenal things. Well-respected business consultants have reached the same conclusion that artistic talent, creativity and innovation are closely related and that these are what give businesses the competitive edge.

Larna Anderson, MFA,

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